Book an appointment
Appointment Types
Osteopathy Initial Treatment
60 Mins £54
Initial Osteopathy consultation which includes a full medical case history, musculoskeletal assessment with orthopaedic testing and treatment for your complaint. If you have any queries or concerns about your treatment please get in contact.
Follow Up Treatment
45 Mins £48
Follow up treatments are for existing patients wanting further treatment for the same complaint or for a new complaint and you have attended the clinic in the last 12 months.
Baby/Child Osteopathy Initial Treatment
60 Mins £54
Initial Osteopathy consultation which includes a full medical case history, musculoskeletal assessment with orthopaedic testing and treatment for your complaint. If you have any queries or concerns about your treatment please get in contact.
Please book the appointment in your baby/child's name.
Baby/Child Follow Up Treatment
45 mins £48
Follow up treatments are for existing patients wanting further treatment for the same complaint or for a new complaint and you have attended the clinic in the last 12 months.
Please book the appointment in your baby/child's name.
Mummy MOT
75 mins £85
A Mummy MOT® is a specialist postnatal examination for women following both vaginal and caesarean deliveries. It will assess how your posture, pelvic floor muscles and stomach muscles are recovering after birth. And if they are not, then we can provide you with exercises and treatment to help your recovery and to return to exercise safely.
Mummy MOT Follow Up
60 mins £70
Follow up appointment for existing Mummy MOT patients that require additional treatment.
Deep Tissue Massage
30 mins £37 45 mins £48
60 mins £54
Ana combines various techniques tailored to the clients specific needs. she combines Swedish/Thai/Deep tissue techniques to help alleviate pains/aches and promote overall wellbeing.
This is a massage which will use either cream/oil and focuses on slow and intense movements which is designed to reach deeper areas of muscle and fascia. It aims for a deep relaxation and relief from muscle aches and tensions and can also relieve knots (adhesions) and helps to improve muscle function.